Sunday, October 5, 2008

VeganMoFo: Pumpkin Oatmeal

A few days ago I made some pumpkin cookies, using a can of pureed pumpkin. I had a little bit of pumpkin left over, so I saved it in the fridge for later use. Well, I didn't really have much vision for such a small amount of pumpkin, so this morning I used it to make pumpkin oatmeal.

I cooked some oatmeal on the stove using oatmilk. When it was just about finished, I stirred in the pumpkin, some cinnamon, a dash of nutmeg and a drizzle of maple syrup. I thought it was almost perfect but needed a touch of something else, so I added a dash of allspice. That did the trick for me. It was warm and earthy and just slightly sweet. The embodiment of autumn. Unfortunately, from this breakfast I found out that Bill despises allspice. The poor man is quite particular about certain strong spices. While I loved my bowl, he was unable to tolerate it, so the dogs ate the rest of his. That's brown sugar sprinkled on top in the picture.

Lucky me, I have just enough pumpkin left for a single serving tomorrow morning.

1 comment:

Bethany said...

that's a really good idea, and sounds delicious. I like oatmeal only when it has other things in it.