For me, there has never been anything very magical about the day we mark as the beginning of a new year. I don’t really remember ever making any resolutions, having always heard the jokes about how people cannot keep them. But 2007 ended up being a very chaotic year for me, and would like to take this time to symbolize a new beginning. So I’ve come up with some goals that I want to keep in my mind as I am living my life. I don’t want this to be a list of to-dos that looms over me, making me feel weighed down. Instead, I want it to be a list of ideas that may improve my daily life. So, here goes:
- I want to be more consistent with my devotional times. Somehow several months ago, I got really off track and off schedule, and have since had irregular devotional times and not really had a focus in how I am studying the bible. I want to get back into the habit of making devotional time a high priority daily, and currently I am going to bring my focus back into doing Beth Moore’s bible study The Patriarchs.
- I want to do a much better job at using time efficiently. A major part of this will be waking up at the same time every morning and having a morning routine. I have much more energy for things like cleaning the house and reading the bible in the morning, before the work day has drained me. So it would be wise for me to do these things in the morning. This also means going to bed at a decent time, so that I can be well-rested.
- I want to read more books. I love reading, but do not do it often enough. After the chaos of the wedding and adjusting to married life, I am going to start my book club up again. I will also try to read more I my own. I feel like reading is a good way to keep your mind sharp
- I want to pray more for my job. My job can be emotionally draining, and I am often frustrated by it or just worn down. I want to lift my work up to God daily, so that he might be glorified by how I spend my day.
- I want to take the dogs for more walks. We are moving to a safer neighborhood than the one I live in now, so I will feel more comfortable taking the dogs for their walks in the early morning and at dusk.
- I want to become an expert at spending less money. I want to be a better bargain shopper, and I want to put more consideration into the purchase I make.
- I want to become a great wife.
So those are my goals. They are very attainable. I am interested in other people's goals as well.